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Things Women Can Do To Boost Milk Supply

Formula milk is not a like for like substitute for mother's milk, especially for the baby's nutrition and immunity. So, mothers who are not able to produce enough milk will have to look at ways to boost their milk supply.

Formula milk must always be the last resort. Lactation is an automatic biological process after childbirth and most of the times, the mother's body knows how much milk to produce and by what amount the production has to increase as days progress. However, some many women nowadays, face the problem of not producing enough milk for their babies.

Scientists say that it may be because of poor modern day lifestyles and habits. Whatever the reasons may be, mothers have to try and identify the cause and increase milk production. Here are some tips for that.

Medication and Health Condition: Certain medical conditions can inhibit the production of mother's milk. For example, more than 50% of cesarean mothers experience difficulty in producing milk for in the first week and suffer from low production even after that.

There are many other similar medical conditions. New mothers will have to identify their medical problems and take remedial action, which can increase milk production. Some types of post delivery medicines can trigger an allergic reaction, which in turn can suppress milk production.

It is important to be aware of this possibility and actively work with the doctors to identify these triggers to make sure they don't interfere with the natural lactation process.

Lactation Diet: The jury is out about the effectiveness of lactation inducing diets. Some experts say that diet has no influence on milk production and many others say that there are very effective. Traditionally, lactation diets have been given to mothers, in all cultures across the world. Even in the present day, Doctors and nutritionists suggest a diet plan for mothers suffering from poor lactation.

The contention is, even if the diets aren't effective, they cause no harm to the mothers or the babies. So, it does worth a try. Lactation diets mostly include liquid diets, rich in proteins and minerals. There are various herbal supplements that include ingredients like garlic, carrots, assorted nuts, sesame, ginger, oatmeal and fruits like lemon, papaya, etc. These ingredients are traditional and have been used to induce lactation for centuries.

Nursing and Pumping: Poor lactation can also be a result of poor nursing techniques. The mothers might not be holding the babies in the proper position and as a result babies might not be nursing as much as they should. When babies don't nurse much, the mother's body automatically starts producing less milk. this problem can be easily rectified but if the baby doesn't know how to latch on properly, that could be a bigger concern.

If you are facing any of these problems, it is better to seek expert consultation to rectify it. Nursing regularly and pumping milk often is also important. This is a proven method, which triggers the body impulse in mothers and over a period of time, the amount of milk increases in each nursing cycle.

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